the mediocre programmer's blog_

drag and drop these links into your bookmarks bar.
snake is a bookmarklet that, upon being pressed, opens a game of snake that you can play.
firebug lite was one of my favorite bookmarklets ever. it allowed you to inspect element any webpage, even if your browser didn't have that feature. however, the team that created it has since taken it down. if you look hard enough, you could probably archive it. i'm currently working on archiving it - check back here later.
fontbomb is this really fun idea where upon loading, if you click on a place in the webpage, it will scatter the text around.
piano bookmarklet,a bookmarklet by krazete, though seemingly useless at first glance, i've actually found to be a wonderful time killer. upon clicking on your bookmarklet, a fully functional piano will appear on the page. wild.
windowcrasher, a bookmarklet I made, is one you probably shouldn't click on - it spams new windows until your PC crashes, but more powerful and less fun. unless you want to crash your pc, i'd stay away from this one.
clean stream by is an incredibly useful bookmarklet that fullscreens things such as iframes, flash players, etc. if you click on it. i've found myself using it more than i'm willing to admit.
adbgone is a bookmarklet that removes all ads/headers from a page. it works incredibly well, and like clean stream, i use it way more often than i'm willing to admit.
mozilla x-ray goggles is an extremely cool visual website editor. a trend a while back were bookmarklets that could draw on pages - and then you could save that drawing and if someone else had the bookmarklet and clicked on that page, they would see it. it was really cool, however all of those are down now, but mozilla x-ray goggles were something similar - they could edit blocks of text on a website visually and you could share those with the world. the servers are going down soon, but it's still fun to use.
javascript:function rotateit(x){x = parseInt(x);document.body.setAttribute('style', ' -moz-transform: rotate('+x+'deg); -moz-transform-origin: 50% 50%; -webkit-transform: rotate('+x+'deg); -webkit-transform-origin: 50% 50%; -o-transform: rotate('+x+'deg); -o-transform-origin:50% 50%; -ms-transform: rotate('+x+'deg); -ms-transform-origin: 50% 50%; transform: rotate('+x+'deg); transform-origin: 50% 50%;');}for(i=0;i<=360;i++){setTimeout("rotateit('+i+i+i+i+i+i+i+i+i+i+i+i+i+i+i+i+i+i+i+i+i+i+i+i+i+i+i+i+i+i+i+i+i+i+i+i+i+i+i+i+')",i*8);}void(0);glitch my internet is a bookmarklet i made based off of the "do a barrel roll" easter egg. it makes a weird creak-y animation, askewing the internet and occasionally randomly turning to a different angle.
edit this page is one of the most popular bookmarklets there are. upon clicking on it, it makes the page editable. to make the page back into an un-editable page, there's this corresponding "finish editing this page" bookmarklet.